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The Magical History of the Tooth Fairy Tradition

The Magical History of the Tooth Fairy Tradition

Children lose their 20 baby teeth from about the age of four to twelve. Each lost tooth brings a magical moment of excitement as each child looks forward to a visit from their Tooth Fairy. Each lost tooth is left under the pillow or on the bedside table. When asleep the Tooth Fairy will then visit taking the tooth and leaving a small gift in return. Up to now, little has been known about this wonderful character, and as we traced back through the origins of this tradition, we went on a very fun, wild and exciting adventure to find out just why the Tooth Fairy comes all this way for those lost baby teeth.

Here's what we discovered.

The Roots of the Tooth Fairy Tradition

The concept of celebrating a child's lost tooth has been around for thousands of years, with roots that stretch back to early civilisations. In Norse and European traditions, there was a custom known as "tand-fe," which translates to "tooth fee." Viking warriors often paid their children a small token for their lost teeth, believing these tiny treasures held great power (well, we here at My Forever Tooth Fairy know that to be true!!). 

Similarly, in early European cultures, it was common to bury children's teeth for safeguarding. This practice aimed to ensure the child's health and well-being, as teeth were thought to carry magical properties. This 'magical' element is common in a lot of the folklore surrounding the Tooth Fairy tradition, prompting us to dig a little deeper and find out more.

The Evolution of the Tooth Fairy

The modern Tooth Fairy as we know it today began to take shape in Western cultures in the early 20th century. The earliest reference to the Tooth Fairy in American literature can be traced to a children's play written in 1927. Over the decades, the character gained popularity, eventually becoming a staple of childhood lore. We know that the Tooth Fairy began leaving gifts in exchange for those precious baby teeth. This added a lot of excitement to the tradition for children. But it made us wonder, why did the Tooth Fairy value those teeth so much that they would offer a gift in return?

The Real Tooth Fairy Tradition

Here in Ireland, a land rich with myth and legend, fairy folklore has a deep-rooted history. Many believe that fairies originated from this very island. Inspired by this rich history, I set out on a quest to discover the true story of the Tooth Fairy. Although I’ve been sworn to secrecy by the Magic Fairy Council, I can tell you that I went on the most magical adventure of my life to uncover this tale for you. The moment I heard it, I knew the world had to know.

You see, every child has their own Forever Tooth Fairy and they make them magical with each tooth they lose. Each lost tooth bestows a magical superpower on their Forever Tooth Fairy, powers like love, kindness, joy, confidence etc. Each child bestows 20 superpowers in total. How magictastic is that? Your Forever Tooth Fairy then uses these powers to create real life fairy-tales when they travel to Earth.

Magic Secret: During the day Forever Tooth Fairies fly through rainbows to travel to Earth. The rainbows turn them invisible.

So there you have it. Doesn't that just totally make sense now? Those baby teeth contain a little bit of magic in each one, and the Forever Tooth Fairies can supercharge that magic when they return with the tooth to their enchanting home of Avalon. You see, those ancient stories were true. Children are magical, but what's even more important to know is that they are magical, just the way the are.

Bring the Magic of the Forever Tooth Fairies to life

At My Forever Tooth Fairy, we’re dedicated to making every Tooth Fairy visit a magical and empowering experience. Each child’s unique magic makes their Forever Tooth Fairy even more special. Explore our My Forever Tooth Fairy gift set to add an extra touch of enchantment to your child’s Tooth Fairy tradition.

Let’s Unlock the Magic Together!